
Collaborating with Thailand’s most renown artists to demonstrate how Chang is Thailand’s most well crafted beer.

Client: Chang beer
Challenge: Chang needed a way to rise above the competition and establish itself as the de-facto beer of Thailand. Its critical point of difference was a meticulous brewing process and refined recipe, crafted a over 30 years.
Solution: Our solution was philosophical. Lamiat (lá-mîat), a centuries-old Thai philosophy exemplified the strive for perfection in craft. So, with the help of Thailand’s most celebrated illustrator, 3D animation house and film director, we created a film that brought to life the ‘lamiat’, which goes into brewing every bottle of Chang beer
Role: Creative Director

Lamait teaches us that life should be approached as a work of art, where details are continually refined in the pursuit of perfection. So each scene was meticulously illustrated for animation.


12 months in the making, the resulting film ensured beer drinkers in Thailand would never look at Chang in the same way again.

Making of film